Monday, May 20, 2013

Garden Adventures and Weekend Copy Craft

It is just a little over a year since we moved in but it was still a surprise to see the rose colors and azaleas that sprang up. And I totally forgot about the yellow iris and double blossom clematis! It is one of my favorite parts of spring and summer is the unexpected flowers that were forgotten and are now back and beautiful.  

One of my garden projects that I did not get to last year was up-cycling one side of our old master bathroom medicine cabinet into a succulent planter. I saved it last year and found a nice spot for it by the Adirondack chair. It reminds me of the progress we have made inside and out!
Medicine cabinet BEFORE

Medicine Cabinet succulent planter!
 My garden nemesis - weeds....just when you think you got them, they strike! My mom was kind enough to help build us a path through our roses to help cut down on the weeding and to help us find sun loving perennials to fill in the empty space. It is looking SO much better!
Rose Garden when we moved in...

Then inside the house I really wanted a new piece of artwork for the bottom of our stairs that lead to the basement. I found this link on Pinterest to string art and decided it make the state of Oregon with a heart since Kyle and I love hiking and adventures in this amazing place. 

I bought a 2' square piece of wood, some acrylic paint, crochet thread, and small brown nails and got to work.
OR paper template taped to the board then nails all around

3-D OR art!