Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nerd Alert! Moving by weight!

You had your warning....the engineer in me loves here it is- over the last two nights I have moved 200 lbs of sand, about 100 lbs of bark nuggets, about 100 lbs of slate tile, and with my mom's help - 500 lbs of bricks!!!

I mixed the sand into the garden mulch to increase the drainage in my raised beds and allow my carrots to grow nice and straight! Most of the garden beds are planted - I just need to pick up a few tomatoe and basil plants. Thank you Connie for giving us some bonus lemon cucumber seeds! The bark nuggets replaced some of the massive (and partially dead) heather plants that I ripped out. Note on heather - it has super shallow roots and you don't even need a shovel to remove it - you can just pull it out with your bare hands...insert evil laugh here...I do find joy in ripping out plants with my bare hands.  
Raised beds planted with veggie seeds
New bark nuggets in a small area cleared of heather

And my mossy bricks that used to be a little patio will now line the raised beds. Hopefully tomorrow I can pick up more sand so that I can form a slate path through my raised beds and then line them with bricks. Thanks Joe for the slate!
Mossy bricks ready for placement!

While I was at the house working outside, the hardwood floors were finished! There are two sneak-peek pictures. I ran in the house while holding my breath to get these because the smell is horrible but I could not resist the urge to see them!

 Super shiny wet floors!
Adios stair carpet!


  1. You're welcome! - Joe (actually it was Pedrick's slate)
    The super shiny floors look awesome. For moving 900 pounds of landscape material, you were pretty darn perky today. I bet you could get by with 1200 pounds next time!

    1. Thanks Joe! I actually went to Home Depot during lunch to pick up 250 more pounds of I am getting close to your challenge!
